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Coming Soon!  A Virtual 2nd Friday Art Walk!  More details TBA. Stay tuned!

The fridayartwalk.com website is home of the 2nd Friday Alameda / JingleTown Art Walk.

2nd Friday Mission Statement

The Second Friday Art Walk is a ad-hoc group of galleries and businesses in the Alameda / Oakland Jingletown arts districts. We coordinate events and openings to promote art and culture in our community. We work with the City of Alameda, Island Alliance of the Arts and Art Push.

The art walk has gone through many iterations since it was started over 10 years ago. Since 2014 it has been spearheaded by Wes and Jess Warren of Studio 23 Gallery with the help, cooperation and coordination of many local community members. 

Local gallery owners are involved in the 2nd Friday Art Walk on a regular basis and you can reach out to any of them or email [email protected] for more information. All participating businesses are encouraged to contribute.

We work hard to get 2nd Fridays happening for you, for us and for our community!  Remember, this is not about what 2nd Friday can do for you, this is about what we can do for each other as a community to support local arts and the artists we love who live here.

The primary participants can be found on the official 2nd Friday Art Walk website, FridayArtWalk.com A few (not all) of the key players: Gray Loft Gallery, Jingletown Art Studios, Frank Better Art Center, Studio 23 Gallery, 3 Dot Art Gallery, Autobody Fine Art, the Local, Alameda Island Brewing Company, Rhythmix, Fireside Lounge, Feathered Outlaw, Inkblot Gallery. There are more, but that’s a good start.

The Friday Art Walk is currently an all volunteer organization.
To be a part of the artwalk visit… http://fridayartwalk.com/get-involved/

Download/Print the official 2nd Friday Participation Kit.
Add the logo to your website or social media page and link to http://fridayartwalk.com/






2nd Friday Art Walk is in conjunction with ARTPUSH


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