2nd Friday Business

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2nd Friday Art Walk Business

How To Participate:
Download/Print the official 2nd Friday Participation Kit.

Covid Update: * Hopefully will be back up and running by this summer 2021. Stay Tuned.

Being a part of 2nd Friday is easy! Any local business in Alameda or Jingletown can participate.  

  1. Hang a 2nd Friday Art Walk sign up, preferably in your store window.
  2. Open 2nd Friday, 6-9pm. Some places open later and many open earlier.
  3. Register to be on the map and then add your 2nd Friday events, classes and/or specials to the website http://fridayartwalk.com/

It’s really that easy.

You do not need a major event every month to participate.
However you do have to agree to be open.  Think of it like an east bay open studios on every 2nd Friday.  Art openings and special events are often held on alternative dates.  To participate in the art walk, you just have to be open roughly between 6PM-9PM on 2nd Friday and be showing art.  This is a good opportunity to invite patrons into your business and let them know what upcoming shows, specials and/or classes you have coming up.

Important! Login and list your 2nd Friday event!
*Note: Getting listed on the website’s interactive map is not the same as adding your event listing and must be done separately. Good news, you can post every 2nd Friday event listing for 2019 at one time. It is 100% free.  We will be running ads to promote 2nd Friday in The East Bay Express, Alameda Magazine, Alameda Sun and other local media channels. Make the most of this free advertising campaign and make sure your 2nd Friday events are listed.

Other ways to participate:

*News: We are working hard to get 2nd Fridays happening for you, for us and for our community!  Remember, this is not about what 2nd Friday can do for you, this is about what we can do for each other as a community to support local arts and the artists we love who live here.  

IAA has recently been awarded a grant for The 2nd Friday Artwalk.  New things are on the way so keep tuned for updates regarding 2nd Fridays 2019 and 2020!
