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Art Supporters raise money for Friends of Alameda Animal Shelter

Thank you for supporting our animal shelter, FAAS!
Select Alameda & Jingletown galleries and 2nd Friday businesses got together to help raise money and awareness for Alameda’s animal shelter FAAS on September 9th.

Thank you for your participation!
3Dot, Studio 23, Julies, Rhythmix, Redux, Vintiq, Tuckers, Melissa Johnson, Glass & Hand Studio &  Autobody!  


The very first 2nd Friday Artwalk For Animals was able to raise over $900!  

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Friday September 22, 2016
For Immediate Release:

2nd Friday Artwalk For Animals
Friday September 9th, 2016 6PM – 9PM

Local Art Supporters raise money for Friends of Alameda Animal Shelter
Alameda and Jingletown come to life on 2nd Fridays for the Art Walk. Local galleries and businesses open and create special deals, treats & shows for 2nd Friday patrons. Some places feature local artists, while others host live music, receptions and special entertainment. September 9th was a special 2nd Friday because businesses joined together to raise money for Alameda’s local animal shelter: FAAS.

Photo by Nick Wadler

How it got started
It was mentioned casually in passing by Steve Digilio, owner of Vintiq on the corner of Oak & Santa Clara. “We should do something to raise money for the animal shelter” said Steve. Jessica Warren from Studio 23 had been volunteering for the last 3 years at the shelter. 3 Dot, Studio 23, Vintiq and other local artists worked together to get everyone from 2nd Fridays involved. This was a collaborative effort of all the galleries and 2nd Friday businesses working together to make it happen. We came up with the general idea and ran it by Cindy Shelby (of FAAS), who ran it by the board. They came back with an enthusiastic thumbs up.

Ice cream, bands and art oh my!
Studio 23 Gallery hosted their first “Art For Animals” group art show and silent auction. Vintiq displayed artworks alongside music curated by Paul Igaz and his Botch Records label and include The Darflers, Horrible/Adorable, Goosehappen & Milkweed Water Doctor. Fireside Lounge hosted “Unleashed”. Tuckers Ice Cream raised funds by creating a special treat just for animal lovers, proceeds from this treat went to the shelter! Other locations that participated are Redux, Melissa Johnson/Jingletown, Rhythmix Cultural Works, 3 DOT Art Gallery, Autobody, Julie’s Tea & Coffee Garden, Bonnie Vie, Glass Hand Studios & Alameda Island Brewing Company.

Funds raised
Over $900.00 was raised for The Artwalk For Animals. Galleries donated proceeds, had silent auctions, businesses put out “Donation Jars” and/or came up with clever ideas on how to raise money for FAAS. How it was done and how much was donated was left up to each business to decide for themselves. Everyone could do their “own thing”. It was simply asked that the donations be made directly to FAAS under the name “Artwalk For Animals” and then notify 2nd Friday coordinators of how much they were able to contribute. It was really that simple!

Photo by Nick Wadler

Will it happen again?
We hope so! We would love to incorporate this as an annual event. Dates may change but the overall concept will stay the same. Next year we may focus on making this happen in August rather than September.

Artwalk For Animals Contributing Locations List
Studio 23 Gallery:
3 Dot Art Gallery:
Tucker’s Super Creamed Ice Cream:
Melissa Johnson/Jingletown:
Rythmix Cultural Works::
Julies Coffee and Tea Garden:
Bonnie Vie:
Alameda Island Brewing Company:
Glass Hand Studio:
Fireside Lounge: [ ]
& Anonymous Contributions

2nd Friday Artwalk information:
Including links to artwork, media files and websites can be found at
More info on Artwalk For Animals can be found:

In Print!


Press Contacts:
Jessica Warren
Wesley E Warren

art at alamedaartists dot com

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